JELU-WERK has redesigned its website on which it informs about its range of wood plastic composites (WPC). JELU-WERK manufactures and distributes various WPC granulates under the JELUPLAST brand. These granulates are suitable for injection moulding and extrusion on conventional plastics processing machines. They can be used to produce industrially-made products, such as deckings, toys and household products.
On its new website, JELU-WERK gives information on the ingredients of its compounds. The WPC granulates are described with their outstanding characteristics. Data sheets containing measurement results and processing notes are also available. In addition, JELU-WERK provides details on the options to compound tailor-made WPC blends. And last but not least, a comprehensive gallery with numerous pictures of possible applications is included.
WPC from JELU are thermoplastic compounds based on wood and plastics. The plastics content makes it possible to shape wood like plastics. The wood content makes the material stiff and helps to save plastics, thus reducing environmental impact and improving carbon footprint.