Bedding and litter from nature
Our bedding and litter are pure natural products made from untreated wood fibres. They trap odours, are extremely absorbent and ensure the well-being of the animals. We distinguish three product categories with different properties:
COSYCAT® organic cat litter
Our organic cat litter consists of 100% wood fibres that are processed into granulates. The litter clumps very efficiently and traps odours quickly. Due to the fibre’s high water absorption capacity, only a few fibres are required to form a clump. The litter is economical to use and easy to handle.

COSYPET® wood litter for small animals and rodents
COSYPET® is a wood litter that is suitable especially for small animals and rodents. Since it is highly absorbent and traps odours, it creates a pleasant climate in the pet cage. The low-dust litter is extremely economical and can be composted.

COSYFLOCK® dust-free bedding
This dust-free bedding made from softwood flakes quickly absorbs moisture and neutralises odours. COSYFLOCK® is a natural product and creates a balanced stall climate.

JELUDRY® special bedding
JELUDRY® is a special bedding which is tailored to the requirements of poultry breeding. It creates a dry stall climate and promotes animal health.