Dietary fibre for overweight and diabetic dogs

Dietary fibres for dogs with obesity and diabetes
JELUCEL® and JELUVET® are natural dietary fibres that improve the quality of life of dogs suffering from obesity and diabetes.

The dietary fibres JELUCEL® and JELUVET® are pure plant fibres and increase the crude fibre content in dog food. While the energy content of the food increases, the nutrient density remains the same.

The dietary fibre from JELU can be used to increase the dietary fibre content of dog food in a standardised way. When used in wet food, the dietary fibre improves the texture and also ensures that the moisture content remains stable. Dietary fibre in the form of cellulose and lignocellulose are well received by dogs. Feeding dogs with long-fibre cellulose has an additional positive effect on faeces consistency. Faecal quality is improved and, as a result, the faeces are soft yet properly formed.

Weight reduction with dietary fibre

It is estimated that around half of domestic dogs are overweight. Dogs carrying excess pounds take less pleasure in exercise and are lethargic, reducing both their quality of life and life expectancy. Just like overweight people, overweight dogs are at greater risk of health problems, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Bone and joint problems

Energy-reduced dog food

Overweight dogs need more exercise and fibre-rich food in order to lose weight. Adding dietary fibre to the food decreases the energy content and increases the fibre content. At the same time, all essential nutrients in the dog food are preserved. High-fibre dog food helps the animal to lose weight while the nutrient content of the food is unchanged.

Our dietary fibre is added to standard dog food, reducing the calorie content of the food and facilitating weight reduction. Energy-reduced food is also suitable for the prevention of weight gain after castration. JELUCEL® and JELUVET® consist of natural plant fibres and do not contain any preservatives.

Dietary-fibre-rich food for dogs with diabetes

Diabetic dogs should eat as little fat and as much dietary fibre as possible. Our natural plant fibres increase the fibre content of dog food in a natural way. High-fibre food has the following positive effects:

  • Slows down stomach emptying
  • Delays nutrient uptake from the food
  • Can improve control of blood sugar levels

The dietary fibre in the food slows down the increase in the blood glucose after eating, making the control of blood sugar levels in dogs with diabetes easier and increasing their quality of life.

Fibre-rich food as senior dog food

With increasing age, the energy demand of senior dogs changes because they are less active. Moreover, their metabolism changes and the intestine becomes sluggish. High-fibre dog food is well suited as senior dog food. Our plant fibres reduce the energy density and preserve the nutrient content of dog food all at the same time. Feeding dogs with a food rich in fibre helps to prevent weight gain and constipation. Older dogs that are not overweight enjoy exercise more and live a healthier life.

High level of quality
Test seals and certificates guarantee a high level of quality. In addition we perform regular external and internal feed monitoring for undesirable substances in accordance with statutory regulations and provisions of the German QS scheme.

Natural dietary fibre for healthy dogs

JELUCEL® and JELUVET® are pure plant fibres that are suitable for increasing the dietary fibre content of dog food. For differences between the two products, see the following tables:

Properties of JELUCEL® and JELUVET®

Straight feeding stuff as per positive listStraight feeding stuff as per positive list
Powder and fibre: 30 – 2000 μmPowder and fine granulate
Moisture binding capacity: 1:4 – 1:11Moisture binding capacity: 1:6
Pure plant fibresPure plant fibres
Insoluble dietary fibreSoluble and insoluble dietary fibre
Suitable for allergic petsSuitable for allergic pets

Analysis of dietary fibre in feed

97% cellulose + hemicelluloses 62% cellulose + hemicelluloses
Weende feed analysis
72% crude fibre 65% / DM crude fibre
25.2% nitrogen‐free extract 27.1% nitrogen‐free extract
2.8% water 3.9% water
< 0.5% crude ash < 0.2% crude ash
< 0.5% crude protein 0.9% crude protein
< 1.0% total crude fat 0.4% total crude fat
Van Soest detergent analysis
97% NDF 85 % / DM NDF (hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin)
65 % / DM ADF (cellulose and lignin)
20 % / DM ADL (lignin)
DM = on dry matter base

We hope for your understanding

For legal reasons, we can supply our products only to companies and not to private individuals.

Our recommendation

For a fibre-rich diet, we recommend using 0.5-2 g/kg body mass of the animal per day.