WPC granulate: a modern biocomposite

We produce wood plastic composites from our own recipes and also individually to suit the customer’s requirements.

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We manufacture JELUXYL® from pure grade wood fibres, which we obtain from virgin wood.
+ Plastic

We mix JELUXYL® with plastic, for example with food-safe PE or PP.
+ Additive

Depending on the purpose, we add different additives to the composite. The properties of the bioplastic can be customised using these.

Our modern production plant processes the individual components to form a homogeneous biocomposite.

The bioplastic is granulated. As a result it can be metered without difficulty during further processing.

Our WPC granulate is suitable for injection moulding and extrusion as well as for hot-press moulding and platen pressing. It can be processed into a wide variety of products, depending on the additives used.